How do I find a journal article?


  • Go to the library's homepage.
  • Click the Article Search tab above the main search box. This takes you to the Ebsco search page and automatically tells the system to search all Ebsco collections for your keywords. This is usually more effective than trying to pick a specific database and only search there.

  • When searching in Ebsco it is usually better to start with a simple search and then gradually apply filters to narrow down the results.

  • Here, the search will look for articles that mention the terms dogs and emotions and either words beginning with sens- or words beginning with perce-. The asterisk is a placeholder for all possible endings a word might have, so searching for sens* will bring up records that mention sensing, sensed, sensation, sensible, and so on. It's helpful to use truncation (a placeholder at the end of a term) this way when one of your search terms might appear in a variety of different forms.
  • At the results screen, look along the left side of the page for the option to limit results by publication date and for the checkbox to Limit to Scholarly/Peer-reviewed.

  • If further limiting of results is desired after the scholarly and date filters have been applied, additional search terms can be added.





  • Last Updated Apr 27, 2020
  • Views 1371
  • Answered By John Wright

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